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Nirlaba & Aktivisme

11 Tampilan ยท 2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." This is what it says in the very first Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The idea of Human Rights is one of the most important fundaments of human co-existence. At the same time human rights are subject to fierce debates and Human Rights violations are common all over the world.
But what exactly are Human Rights? Who is responsible for protecting them? And do they really apply to all people?

This is the first part of the series "Focus Human Rights". It consists of this overview clip an three more specific clips for each of the three dimensions of Human Rights. Check out our Channel for the other clips!

Click "CC" in the navigation bar for chinese or romanian subtitles.

WissensWerte is a project of the german non-profit organisation / e.V.
It is realized by Jรถrn Barkemeyer and Jan Kรผnzl
(edeos- digital education )

#HumanRights #Explainer

18 Tampilan ยท 2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

A video that simply and clearly explains what human rights are. It is aimed to a public from 13 to 20 year olds, and can be used as a teaching tool.

11 Tampilan ยท 2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

Human rights are the fundamental freedoms and protections that belong to every single one of us.

All human beings are born with equal and inherent rights and fundamental freedoms. Human rights are based on dignity, equality and mutual respect โ€“ regardless of your nationality, your religion or your beliefs.

Your rights are about being treated fairly and treating others fairly, and having the ability to make choices about your own life. These basic human rights are:

Universal โ€“ They belong to all of us, everybody in the world.
Inalienable โ€“ They cannot be taken away from us.
Indivisible and interdependent โ€“ Governments should not be able to pick and choose which are respected.

Amnesty Internationalโ€™s handy booklet, โ€˜Understanding Human Rightsโ€™ will tell you everything you need to know about human rights, all in one place. Download your copy below:

#humanrights #amnestyinternational

13 Tampilan ยท 2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu


United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at local, regional, national and international levels. Its membership is comprised of individuals, educators and groups throughout the world who are actively forwarding the knowledge and protection of human rights by and for all Mankind.

Its purpose is to provide human rights educational resources and activities that inform, assist and unite individuals, educators, organizations and governmental bodies in the dissemination and adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at every level of society.

United for Human Rights was founded on the Declaration's 60th anniversary, in the face of continued worldwide abuses which violate the spirit, intent and Articles of this charter of all human rights, the first such document ever ratified by the community of nations. Surveys have found that most people have only a limited understanding of human rights. The Declaration contains the thirty rights that together form the basis of a civilization wherein all people can enjoy the freedoms to which they are entitled, and nations can coexist in peace.

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8 Tampilan ยท 2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

View full lesson:

The basic idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who we are or where we are born, is entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms. That may sound straightforward enough, but it gets incredibly complicated as soon as anyone tries to put the idea into practice. What exactly are the basic human rights? Who gets to pick them? Who enforces themโ€”and how? Benedetta Berti explores the subtleties of human rights.

Lesson by Benedetta Berti, animation by Sarah Saidan.

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Global Warming - เธ เธฒเธงเธฐเน‚เธฅเธเธฃเน‰เธญเธ™

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Global Warming Animation

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Global Warming Debunked

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Global Warming Awareness

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