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Official Music Video By Moein Z Performing " Kafe Tehroon "
متن آهنگ :
کف طهرونم ولی غریبم
بس که دادن هی منو فریبم
آب و دون دادیم و همه پریدن
چقده جای تو خالیه پهلومن
کف طهرونم پی رفیقام
من این شهر و بدون تو نمیخوام
دلم تنگ شده زنگ بزنم بیا
توام ناز کنی بهم بگی نمیام
خوب بود حال دلم بات دیگه حرفی نمونده بگم بات
کاش بودی کل شهر و بدون چتر زیر بارون برم بات
خوب بود الان تو بودی
یه نفس تو این تهران دودی
چشمامکاسه ی خونه پشت همین عینک دودی
نمیرم دیگه جایی و بعدت
میمیرم با دیدن ردت
اگه با من بودی می دیدی نمیزاشتم بگذره بد بهت
نمیاد کسی حتی شبیه تو نمیخوام دیگه دنیارو بی تو
کسی هست یه لیوان آب بده دستت
واسه قرصای نصفه شبی تو
دوست دارم صبح پاشم از خواب باز چشام تورو ببینه
ولی انقدر دوری از من بین مون دیوار چینه
آسمون دلش نمیخواست که دلم پرنده باشه
خودم و زدم به باختن که دلت برنده باشه
کجایی الان رفتی تنها چی شه
دلم مونده پیشت هوا گرک و میشه
بهم بگو کجایی الان تنهایی سمّه
هر جا که باشم باز به تو حواسمه
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After 10 years, I have returned to the country that I enjoyed THE LEAST in all of my travels… Brunei. It’s a tiny country on Borneo island, sandwiched in between Malaysia and Indonesia, and I was very nervous to go back. Why? Because my last video there was all about how much I hated it, and I was so worried that I would be thrown in jail by the government, or even yelled at by the locals…. But this time around, I went in with fresh eyes and a new perspective, and I really enjoyed it!!!
I met up with a local Bruneian friend from Instagram named Bryant, and he took me under his wing to show me his version of Brunei. And what we discovered will seriously blow your mind!!
Follow Bryant on Instagram! instagram.com/ozozodoes
#travel #asia #adventure
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👨🏻🦰 WHO AM I?
I'm Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY Country in the world (197/197). I make travel videos about people, culture, and anything else I find interesting on the road. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel far and wide because I think that traveling is the best education that you can get, and our planet is beautiful!
How I find music for my Videos:
- Tom Fox is a legendary musical artist: https://tfbeats.com/
- Take your films to the next level w/ music from Musidbed: http://share.mscbd.fm/drewbinsky
► He Is The Ice Man: http://y2u.be/VF8dkjEdKNo
► Tallest Humans on Earth: http://y2u.be/u03kNQNclGY
► Why is Everything Free in Pakistan?: http://y2u.be/CWeWxl7ruGE
► 3 Things You Can't Do in North Korea: http://y2u.be/mNsx0Nqryos
► World's Strangest City: http://y2u.be/hmIa2SGpm6s
► Website: https://world.drewbinsky.com/
► Email: [email protected]
*Some of the links or other products that appear on this video are from companies which I earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
A Storm is Coming... 🌐 Sign up now → https://www.Storm25.world ⚡
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© 2010 WMG
Darude - Feel The Beat
Written by J. Salovaara, arranged by V. Virtanen & J. Salovaara, produced by J. Salovaara
© 16 Inch Records, 2000
Video by Also Starring, directed by Juuso Syrjä.
Video was shot in Lapland in Finland, in Kilpisjärvi, and some of the driving sequences were shot on the Norwegian side of the common border. There was a real party, really exclusive one indeed, in the middle of nowhere with a small number of select party people flown in. Memorable and fun times!
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این ویدیو مربوط میشه به مستندی به اسم یک روز در دربار پهلوی ساخت کشور سوییس که زندگی شخصی شاه ایران رو به تصویر میکشه صحنه های از نماینده های ۸۰ کشور جهان که برای عرض ادب به پیشگاه شاهنشاه آریامهر اومدن و تصاویری از نمایندگان کشور آمریکا که واسه چونه زدن سر قیمت نفت به تهران اومدن هم تو این ویدیو دیده میشه
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Diamond league Alica Schmidt vs Yuliya levchenko beautiful women's sports #shorts #youtubeshorts
Footage of the first female pilot of the MiG-31 fighter jet has appeared:
Long-haired beauty conquers the skies of Primorye at the controls of a MIG-31 fighter:
Protecting air borders is not just a man's business. Girls also patrol the Primorye skies. The only navigator of a MIG-31 fighter in the region serves in one of the units.
First of all, airplanes. And the sky is a home not only for pilots, but also for female pilots. Navigator of the MiG-31BM combat aircraft Ekaterina Rakhimova is the only flying girl in the regiment. But she copes with the tasks set no worse than men. And now we are preparing for takeoff. But first of all, a pre-flight inspection.
Ekaterina Rakhimova, navigator of the MiG-31BM fighter: “We go through, look at the stabilizer, and, as I already said, make sure everything is intact, that there is no damage, no leaks, no dirt. We also check, or rather inspect, the nozzle - to make sure the blades are intact, so that there are no unnecessary objects there."
Then we climb on board. Yes, you can walk on aircraft. And we check the brake parachute - it should make a dull sound.
This is far from a complete list of parts subject to inspection. However, the specialists cope with the task in a matter of minutes. Everything is ready for takeoff. The commander and navigator take their places. We distract Ekaterina for a while to find out where the girl got such a craving for conquering the sky.
Ekaterina Rakhimova, navigator of the MiG-31BM fighter: "My dad flew. And when I was little, he took me to MAKS performances, and for some reason I liked it from the age of 6."
- So you were drawn to the sky from childhood?
- Of course, yes, there is no other way to come here. Perhaps you have noticed that the wing is small relative to the fuselage. It is small and because of this, it requires special skills from pilots. My main goal now is to move to the front cockpit, to become a commander of the aircraft."
There is every chance of this - the girl has many hours of independent control of a combat aircraft behind her. Thanks to the Krasnodar pilot. By the way, Ekaterina is a Muscovite. She ended up in Primorye through assignment. She says that she always wanted to get into the Aerospace Forces. Despite the fact that this is a risky and difficult business.
Ekaterina Rakhimova, navigator of the MiG-31BM fighter: "I did not want and do not want to go to civil aviation, and I am not considering this option. The goal was fighter aviation. Rituals before takeoff - to stroke the plane. If there is a mood, there is no mood - it is like a mandatory part. Apparently, pilots are superstitious."
Yes, pilots are superstitious people, but it is not surprising, because with all the sky romance this profession is very responsible and dangerous. So, according to a good air tradition, we will touch the fuselage for luck.
Длинноволосая красотка покоряет небо Приморья за штурвалом истребителя МИГ-31
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Защита воздушных границ - дело не только мужское. Приморское небо патрулируют и девушки. В одном из подразделений служит единственная в крае штурман истребителя МИГ-31.
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Iran to Receive All 60 Sukhoi SU-35 Flanker-E Fighter Jets by 2025 & First Batch Assembled in Iran
Iran’s air force is about to take a monumental leap forward with the arrival of the Sukhoi SU-35 fighters. For decades, Iran has faced challenges in modernizing its fleet, but the arrival of these advanced jets changes everything. With local assembly underway and a full fleet of 60 fighters expected by 2025, the implications are enormous. How will this reshape Iran’s defense strategy and the balance of power in the Middle East? Stay tuned to uncover the full story.
Get ready for the Iranian sky on Kish Island to shine with excitement, power, and innovation! As the largest aviation event in the region, Kish Airshow 2024 will give you an unforgettable experience of breathtaking aerial displays and advanced aviation technologies.
🚀 At this exhibition:
✅ Witness amazing acrobatic maneuvers in the sky.
✅ Get up close and personal with the latest aviation industry technologies.
✅ Experience the peak of excitement alongside the world's most professional pilots.
✅ And enjoy the endless beauty of Kish Island.
🌍 This is not just an exhibition; it is a grand celebration of technology, the art of flying, and excitement that will take you to the peak of your dreams.
IRAN 2024🇮🇷The most stunning air show in the region
Iran officially the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), also known as Persia, is a country in West Asia. It borders Turkey to the northwest and Iraq to the west, Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Caspian Sea, and Turkmenistan to the north, Afghanistan to the east, Pakistan to the southeast, the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf to the south. With a mostly Persian-ethnic population of almost 90 million in an area of 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), Iran ranks 17th globally in both geographic size and population. It is the sixth-largest country.
Kish Island, an island of heaven on earth, a beautiful island in the middle of the Persian Gulf - Iran. One of the best places in the world to visit.
The ever-clear blue sky, the pleasant warmth of the sun, beautiful palm, coconut and banana trees, white sandy beaches with one of the clearest sea waters in the world and many more, all make this beautiful island one of the best places to visit. are are . has done they live
I make videos from every part of this beautiful island for those who enjoy watching the beauty of the world.
And if you enjoyed it, I'm very honored to have you as a subscriber to my channel
Kish Island is the most famous resort in Iran where people spend their vacations. The island is known as a visitor's paradise with shopping malls, malls, tourist attractions and resort hotels.
It has a population of approximately 40,000 and receives approximately 1 million visitors annually.
It is called the pearl of the Persian Gulf. After Dubai and Sharm El Sheikh, Kish Island is one of the most visited vacation destinations in the Middle East.
Kish is located on the Persian Gulf 19 km from the Iranian mainland and has an area of about 91 km2 (35 sq mi) with an external border of 40 km (25 mi) and is roughly oval in shape. Along the coast of Kish are coral reefs and many other small islands.
The surface of the island is flat and without mountains or even high hills. Kish International Airport is built in the center and on an elevated area 35 to 40 meters (115 to 131 feet) above sea level. The highest slope of its surface extends from the airport to the beaches near Shayan Hotel.
I hope you enjoy watching the video Take a ❤️
Take a walk with Sara
I am Sara. I believe that the best way to discover any place is to walk and travel. This is my channel of walks in Iran and the world. I would be happy if you subscribe to my channel and like and support my videos with your kind eyes.
so that we can continue our dreams to explore this beautiful world
Thank you
If you're interested in getting to know Iran better, I recommend watching the following videos 📹🇮🇷:
suggested video for watching:👌🥰
https://youtu.be/tAeUaPIlq2s?si=wgxmMqQ7GZpy3feS Steel Giants Exhibition
https://youtu.be/Y7YczPuhCTs?si=cvAC_gDbndT6QB2H Joy and dancing at Kish nights
https://youtu.be/9T1kEbMKVr0?si=1GnNj229FdQDn2jk Luxury car rally
Timestamps Chapter:
00:00 Intro
00:29 airshow kish
12:19 Air show booths
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All the contents of this video are original and recorded by Sara personally on location.
Copyright © 2024 All Rights Reserved
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Persian Gulf
🔻Equipment Used :
📹: Filmed On 2024
Camera: DJI Pocket 3
「僕のカメラのコントロールも悪いが、Lauraがいるからだ、 彼女の姿を拝まなければ死にきれるもんじゃない」
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Results :
Nicola Olyslagers (AUS) 1.99m 🥇
Yaroslava Mahuchikh (UKR) 1.97m 🥈
Lia Apostolovski (SLO) 1.95m =PB 🥉
Christina Honsel (GER) 1.95m =SB
Angelina Topić (SRB) 1.92m
Full Results:
Nicola OLYSLAGERS AUS 28 Dec 96 4 1.99 - O O O XO XXO XXX
Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH UKR 19 Sep 01 5 1.97 - - O O O XXX
Lia APOSTOLOVSKI SLO 23 Jun 00 10 1.95 O O O O X- r
Christina HONSEL GER 7 Jul 97 1 1.95 O XO XO O XXX
Angelina TOPIĆ SRB 26 Jul 05 2 1.92 O XO XXO X- XX
Morgan LAKE GBR 12 May 97 6 1.92 XO XXO XXO X- XX
Tatiana GUSIN GRE 26 Jan 94 7 1.88 XO O XXX
Nadezhda DUBOVITSKAYA KAZ 12 Mar 98 3 1.88 O XXO XXX
Yuliia LEVCHENKO UKR 28 Nov 97 8 1.84 O XXX
Daniela STANCIU ROU 15 Oct 87 9 NM XXX
Vashti CUNNINGHAM USA 18 Jan 98 11 DNS
Anna Kekina • Siberian Federal District Indoor Championships 2024
Abakam, 12 January 2024
Edit, Graphics: Icon Mike
💥 Uploaded for members on 03/01/2025
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Diamond league Alica Schmidt vs Yuliya levchenko beautiful women's sports #shorts #youtubeshorts
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Today I’m taking the world’s most luxurious sleeper train, The Venice Simplon Orient Express, from Paris all the way to Istanbul. I’ll share with you exactly what the experience is like, from my private room, the three restaurant cars, along with all the luxurious amenities offered onboard. This is a train like no other, steeped in grandeur, history and style.
Run once a year, The Venice Simplon Orient Express will take us through 8 countries with various local excursions along the way. It also happens to be the world’s most expensive train ticket, with prices starting at over $50,000! As always, I paid in full myself for this experience so I can show you exactly what it’s like.
0:00 - Intro
2:50 - Room tour
9:47 - Austria
14:54 - Budapest
24:05 - Bucharest
29:34 - Varna
35:10 - The Cost
Lidija Bacic Lille on stage - Neka ljubav nova
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