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Music: Always remember us this way Lady Gaga &DJ tons
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While launching over 300 rockets at Israel in a single day, Hezbollah has made a significant move by calling on Iran to join the fight. Iran's response to this call for action has now been revealed. Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claim to have killed Hezbollah's missile unit chief - Ibrahim Qubaisi - but Hezbollah has retaliated by targeting Mount Carmel in what is reportedly its deepest incursion into Israeli territory since the Gaza war began. Watch the full video for more.
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Music: Always remember us this way Lady Gaga &DJ tons
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Music: Always remember us this way Lady Gaga &DJ tons
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Music: Always remember us this way Lady Gaga &DJ tons
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Footage of the first female pilot of the MiG-31 fighter jet has appeared:
Long-haired beauty conquers the skies of Primorye at the controls of a MIG-31 fighter:
Protecting air borders is not just a man's business. Girls also patrol the Primorye skies. The only navigator of a MIG-31 fighter in the region serves in one of the units.
First of all, airplanes. And the sky is a home not only for pilots, but also for female pilots. Navigator of the MiG-31BM combat aircraft Ekaterina Rakhimova is the only flying girl in the regiment. But she copes with the tasks set no worse than men. And now we are preparing for takeoff. But first of all, a pre-flight inspection.
Ekaterina Rakhimova, navigator of the MiG-31BM fighter: “We go through, look at the stabilizer, and, as I already said, make sure everything is intact, that there is no damage, no leaks, no dirt. We also check, or rather inspect, the nozzle - to make sure the blades are intact, so that there are no unnecessary objects there."
Then we climb on board. Yes, you can walk on aircraft. And we check the brake parachute - it should make a dull sound.
This is far from a complete list of parts subject to inspection. However, the specialists cope with the task in a matter of minutes. Everything is ready for takeoff. The commander and navigator take their places. We distract Ekaterina for a while to find out where the girl got such a craving for conquering the sky.
Ekaterina Rakhimova, navigator of the MiG-31BM fighter: "My dad flew. And when I was little, he took me to MAKS performances, and for some reason I liked it from the age of 6."
- So you were drawn to the sky from childhood?
- Of course, yes, there is no other way to come here. Perhaps you have noticed that the wing is small relative to the fuselage. It is small and because of this, it requires special skills from pilots. My main goal now is to move to the front cockpit, to become a commander of the aircraft."
There is every chance of this - the girl has many hours of independent control of a combat aircraft behind her. Thanks to the Krasnodar pilot. By the way, Ekaterina is a Muscovite. She ended up in Primorye through assignment. She says that she always wanted to get into the Aerospace Forces. Despite the fact that this is a risky and difficult business.
Ekaterina Rakhimova, navigator of the MiG-31BM fighter: "I did not want and do not want to go to civil aviation, and I am not considering this option. The goal was fighter aviation. Rituals before takeoff - to stroke the plane. If there is a mood, there is no mood - it is like a mandatory part. Apparently, pilots are superstitious."
Yes, pilots are superstitious people, but it is not surprising, because with all the sky romance this profession is very responsible and dangerous. So, according to a good air tradition, we will touch the fuselage for luck.
Длинноволосая красотка покоряет небо Приморья за штурвалом истребителя МИГ-31
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Защита воздушных границ - дело не только мужское. Приморское небо патрулируют и девушки. В одном из подразделений служит единственная в крае штурман истребителя МИГ-31.
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