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8 Views · 10 months ago

Bhaktapur (Nepal Part 6) / (بختاپور (نپال قسمت ششم
Mosafer - Episode no. 274


لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016

Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#نپال #سفر #کاتماندو
Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

6 Views · 10 months ago

Muktinath to Bhaktapur (Nepal Part 5) / (عمیق ترین دره دنیا (نپال قسمت پنجم
Mosafer - Episode no. 273


لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016

Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#نپال #سفر #کاتماندو
Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

15 Views · 10 months ago

Muktinath (Nepal Part 4) / (موکتینات روستای مقدس هندوها (نپال قسمت چهارم
Mosafer - Episode no. 272

00:00:00 intro
00:00:09 برنامه امروز
00:00:58 روستای تاتوپانی
00:02:41 ترک روستای تاتوپانی
00:04:24 بازرسی پلیس
00:06:30 رسیدن به روستای موکتینات
00:07:33 روستای موکتینات
00:10:52 معبد ویشنو
00:11:30 قدم زدن در روستا
00:15:29 مسافرخانه
00:17:38 سفارش خوراک


لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016

Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#نپال #سفر #کاتماندو
Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

12 Views · 10 months ago

Ghode Pani (Nepal Part 3) / ( دهکده "گوده پانی" و زمین خوردن با موتور (نپال ۳ Nepal episode no. 3 / نپال قسمت سوم
Mosafer - Episode no. 271


لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016

Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#نپال #سفر #کاتماندو
Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

16 Views · 10 months ago

Kathmandu to Kushma (Nepal Part 2) / کاتماندو به سمت شمال (نپال قسمت دوم)
Nepal episode no. 2 / نپال قسمت دوم
Mosafer - Episode no. 270

از کاتماندو به سمت شهر “پُخارا” و شمال غربی حرکت کردم. حدود ۲۰۰ کیلومتر راه داشتم ولی طی کردن این مسیر حدود ۵-۶ ساعت به طول می‌انجامه. علتش هم کیفیت بر جاده، ترافیک و پیچ در پیچ بودن جاده ها است
در پخارا زیاد نماندم، شب را در آنجا اطراق کردم و بعد از چند ساعت در مکانیکی به راهم ادامه دادم. چندین بار برای نوشیدن چای و خوردن خوراک توقف کردم. در ادامه مسیر از طریق جاده‌های خاکی و پیچ در پیچ به یک پل معلق کوچک رسیدم و در بعد از آن هم به یکی از بلندترین و طولانی‌‌ترین پل‌ها معلق نپال. رد شدن با موتثر از روی این پل با کلی لذت و هیجان همراه بود.
امیدوارم از دیدن این قسمت لذت ببرین و سپاسگذار خواهم شد که نظرات شما را در مورد این قسمت بدانم
با احترام

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:12 ترک کاتماندو
00:00:43 ورود به جاده
00:04:09 توقف در بین راه
00:06:07 ادامه مسیر
00:08:16 پُخارا
00:09:38 ترک پُخارا
00:11:15 توقف بین راه و نوشیدن چای ماسالا
00:14:40 ادامه مسیر
00:17:07 ناهار
00:20:02 ادامه مسیر
00:20:32 عبور از یک پل معلق کوچک
00:21:10 پرس و جو در روستا
00:22:17 عبور از روی یکی از بلندترین پل‌های معلق نپال

لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016

Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#نپال #سفر #کاتماندو
Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

7 Views · 10 months ago

Kathmandu (Nepal Part 1) / کاتماندو (نپال قسمت اول)
Nepal episode no. 1 / نپال قسمت اول
Mosafer - Episode no. 269

سفر به نپال برای بررسی مسیر تور برنامه ریزی شده بود ولی وقتی در مهر ۱۴۰۱ (اکتبر ۲۰۲۲) به نپال سفر کردم، با توجه به وضعیت ایران و خیزش مردم ایران، دیدم که نه حس و حال برگزاری تور را دارم و نه اینکه در چنین شرایطی برگزار کردن تور جایز است. بنابراین یک موتور اجاره کردم و چند هفته در نپال سفر کردم بدون اینکه برای هدف اصلی این سفر یعنی برگزاری تور کاری انجام بدهم.
تصمیم گرفتم که به یکی از بی‌نظیرترین مناطق نپال برم، منطقه‌ای به‌نام “Mustang” در شمال این کشور.
در قسمت اول این برنامه ابتدا در مورد این سفر، قصد آمدنم، شهر کاتماندو، کشور نپال و منطقه “تامِل” در کاتماندو توضیح می‌هم و در قسمت‌های بعدی بیشتر بر روی موتور و در طبیعت خواهم بود.
سپاسگذار خواهم بود که نظرات شما را در مورد این ویدئو و این مجموعه بدانم. به طور قطع دانستن نظرات و پیشنهادات شما کمک بزرگی به من و برنامه خواهند کرد
امیدوارم از دیدن این ویدئو و دیگر مستندات “مسافر” لذت ببرین

با احترام
00:00:00 Nepal
00:00:37 چرا به نپال آمدم
00:05:18 تاریخ، جغرافیا و وضعیت گردشگری نپال
00:07:20 راه رفتن در محله تامِل کاتماندو
00:14:05 مغازه لوازم کوه‌نوردی
00:17:35 به سمت لالیتپور
00:19:19 لالیتپور
00:27:15 سمبوسه فروشی
00:28:29 آماده سازی موتور برای سفر
00:28:42 توضیح در مورد اسپانسر

لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید
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Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016

Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#نپال #سفر #کاتماندو
Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

7 Views · 10 months ago

فیلم کامل ازبکستان - Uzbekistan

مستند کامل ازبکستان که در سال ۱۴۰۱ (2022) ساخته و از شبکه من و تو پخش شد
در طی این سفر به چندین شهر و مکان در ازبکستان رفتم و سعی کردم که این کشور بسیار زیبا با مردمانی بسیار خوب و صمیمی را تا جایی که امکان دارد مستند کنم و به تصویر بکشم
بدون شک ازبکستان تبدیل به یکی از کشورهای مورد علاقه من شد. تاریخ و فرهنگ غنی و مردمانی بسیار مهربان و مهمان‌نواز از دلایل آن هستند.
نظرات شما برای من همیشه ارزشمند هستند، لطفا نظراتتان را در زیر ویدئو بنویسیدو امیدوارم از دیدن این مستند لذت ببرید
با احترام،

00:00:00 Uzbekistan
00:01:24 سمرقند
00:02:42 میدان ریگستان
00:06:00 چورسو بازار
00:12:15 امیر تیمور
00:16:12 مسجد بی بی خانم
00:18:00 فرش بافی
00:20:46 بخارا
00:21:55 لب حوض و اطراف آن
00:24:04 صنایع دستی - سوزنی
00:26:36 بازار طوقی صرافان
00:27:26 قدیمی ترین مسجد در بخارا
00:28:26 بازار تلپک فروشان
00:31:15 اگر آن تُرک شیرازی به دست آرد دل ما را
00:33:10 مناره کلان
00:35:35 موسیقی سنتی
00:36:12 مقبره اسماعیل سامانی
00:38:00 چاقو سازی
00:40:18 ملانصرالدین
00:41:46 کنسرت موسیقی و رقص
00:42:36 خیوه
00:43:53 ایچان‌قلعه و ایچان‌قلعه
00:45:53 مقبره پوریا ولی
00:48:11 کلته منار
00:49:21 مسجد جمعه
00:50:20 حرمسرای خان
00:53:37 محل تولد ابوعلی سینا
00:56:08 حضرت داوود
01:03:29 تاشکند
01:06:00 بنای یادبود زلزله
01:08:43 مترو تاشکند و آثار هنری در ایستگاه ها
01:11:29 تاتر و سالن اپرا علی شیرنوایی
01:13:01 فستیوال چای
01:18:03 چورسو بازار تاشکند
01:21:26 مرکز پیلاو
01:23:23 شب آخر

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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#uzbekistan #ازبکستان #سفر
لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

10 Views · 10 months ago

فیلم کامل آفریقا - Africa, complete
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

12 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی و شش - قسمت آخر / Africa part 35 - Last part - Episode no. 164
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

13 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی و پنج - قبیله ماسایی / Africa part 35 - Kenya -4 - Episode no. 163
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

13 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی و چهار - قبیله ماسایی / Africa part 34 - Kenya -3 - Episode no. 162
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

13 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی و سه - قبیله ماسایی
Africa part 33 - Kenya -2 - Episode no. 161
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

8 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی و دو - ورود به کنیا و رفتن به قبیله ماسایی / Africa part 32 - Kenya -1 - Episode no. 160
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

9 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی و یک - خط استوا - اوگاندا - 6
Africa part 31 - Uganda -6 - Episode no. 159
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

23 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت سی - جینجا - اوگاندا - 5 / Africa part 30 - Uganda -5 - Episode no. 158
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

20 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت بیست و نهم - کامپالا - اوگاندا - ۴ / Africa part 29 - Uganda -4 - Episode no. 157
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❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

18 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت بیست و هشت - کامپالا - اوگاندا - ۳
Africa part 27 - Uganda -3 - Episode no. 156
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Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

8 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت بیست و هفت - دریاچه بویونی و قبیله باتوا - اوگاندا - ۲ / Africa part 27 - Uganda -2 - Episode no. 155
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Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

22 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت بیست و شش - ورود به اوگاندا - اوگاندا - ۱
Africa part 26 - Uganda -1 - Episode no. 154
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Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

21 Views · 10 months ago

آفریقا قسمت بیست و پنجم - مسافرکشی با دوچرخه - رواندا - ۶
Africa part 25 - Rwanda -6 - Episode no. 153
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Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels
Music in all videos:
@manotoTV is broadcasting my videos on a weekly basis since 2016
End of 2020 I reached the 202nd broadcasted travel #documentary on manoto TV
Who am I?
My name is Human David, a Dutch / Iranian travel journalist based in The Netherlands.
I studied architecture and urbanism but I have never worked in this field! As of 2011 I’m working in media and since 2016 as a TV travel reporter for manoto TV in London.
I travel on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, or anything that can take me into the adventure of different places with different people and cultures.
In my videos I try to show the culture, architecture, food, adventure and interaction with local people.
#amsterdam Netherlands #humandavid لطفا نظراتتان را در پائین ویدئو بنویسید
برای دیدن ویدئوهای بیشتر، لطفا سابسکرایب کنید

Follow me in
❥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/human_david/?hl=en
❥ Telegram: https://t.me/humandavid
❥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humastravels

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